Health & Fitness Tips

Can I exercise too much?

Can I exercise too much? 150 150 Sean Smith

Personal Training Journal Entry #4

Over the last couple of decades, inquiry in the health and fitness industry have changed from, “Does exercise significantly affect overall health?” to questions such as, “Can I over-exercise?” and “How much training is too much?”

We all know that exercise done correctly, and in moderation, can benefit overall health and well-being. But, when are we doing too much? How can you tell you’re exercising in excess?

Exercising can be fun and sometimes even addicting, so it is important to be aware of signs that can tell you that your body is reaching its limit, and that there may be a reason to rest. Among the more obvious signs, like achy muscles, chronic injuries, and fighting sickness, there are a couple others that I keep a close eye on to ensure I don’t hinder my physical and mental performance:

Dramatic Weight Fluctuation – Exercising at high intensity, too frequently, can cause fluctuations in body weight and appetite. If you find yourself eating irregular portions, and gaining or losing significant amounts of weight, you might be overexerting yourself during exercise.

Shifting Sleep Patterns – In one of my previous blogs, I touched on how important sleep is. But in this situation, what came first? The chicken or the egg? Many times when you sleep less, you feel more tired. What many don’t know is that in some cases being tired can cause irregular sleep patterns, hurting your daily performance.

To answer the many health-goers of today, YES you can exercise too much. If you choose to exercise at your limit, remember to rest at the same level, and keep a life in balance.


Sean M. Smith
Personal Fitness Trainer
16632 1/2 Marquez Ave.
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272


A Super Diet

A Super Diet 150 150 Sean Smith

Personal Training Journal Entry #3

In recent health news, “Superfoods” have been getting a lot of attention. What are “Superfoods” exactly? Basically, they’re foods that are said to be extremely rich in particular nutrients. Many believe that there are significant health benefits gained from eating “Superfoods”, and closely follow lists recommended by others. But when you scout the internet, it seems more and more that the list of foods as well as benefits from “Superfoods” becomes subjective, and the definition ultimately becomes meaningless.

What if “Superfoods” actually do increase physical and mental health? How much should one consume daily? Should you change your diet to follow a list of “Superfoods”? Would you attain super health from doing so?

Not likely.

Acquiring maximum health isn’t that close to either side of the spectrum. A life in balance requires a diet in balance. The same way you can exercise too much, as well as not enough, you can over-consume foods that benefit you, as well as ones that harm you.

So, is a super diet necessary for healthy living? Maybe. Maybe not. I believe there is a time and need for certain exercises as well as a time and need for certain nutrients. One thing I do know, is that whatever you put into your body, you will get out of it. What I mean by that is, if you eat quality foods, you will have quality energy, and with quality energy you will perform better. If you have questions about “Superfoods”, consult with a health professional before making any drastic changes to your diet, and find out which ones will help you find your life in balance.


Sean M. Smith
Personal Fitness Trainer
16632 1/2 Marquez Ave.
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272


Benefits of Sleep

Benefits of Sleep 150 150 Sean Smith

Personal Training Journal Entry #2

Most people are aware of the noticeable benefits of sleep such as a better mood and clearer thinking, but sleep has more positive effects on the body than one would think. The benefits of a good night’s rest go beyond better overall health, weight control, and a stronger immune system. Things like better memory, overall brain function, and a better sex life can benefit from getting the proper rest after a proper work out.

Personally, I take 20 min out of my day to nap and ensure I receive these physical, as well as mental benefits from sleeping. From my experience, I have lower stress levels and tend to be less likely to get sick when I am well rested. Some sleep studies have even linked creativity to proper rest! So don’t forget how important sleep is and the benefits of it in the correct amounts. See you after your nap!

Life in Balance,

Sean M. Smith
Personal Fitness Trainer
16632 1/2 Marquez Ave.
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272

A Balanced, Healthy Life

A Balanced, Healthy Life 150 150 Sean Smith

Personal Training Journal Entry #1

Jay, a long term member of my gym, runs a financially successful business. He told me he leaves his house at 6:00 AM every morning, gets to work at 6:30, and stays till 8:00 at night. He does this 6 days a week. The business makes him a great deal of money and he appears to have everything a person could possibly want. He has beautiful house in Santa Monica. He wears nice clothes and drives a Mercedes. He has a beautiful wife and three amazing children whom he loves morethan anything.

Years ago, I recall him saying, “This is how you should run your business, Sean. If you want to be successful, you need to be there all the time.”

Disagreeing, I smiled. “That depends on how you define success.” Convinced that I didn’t know what I was talking about, he shook his head and the two of us had a good laugh. The funny thing is that Jay and I actually have a lot in common. We both own our own businesses. We are both married and in love with our wives. We both love making money so that we can enjoy our cars, clothes, and other “toys.” But Jay is viewed by many to be far more successful than me, putting in more hours for more dollars. I view things a bit differently.

Think about this:

There are 24 hours in a day.

Most people sleep between 6 and 8 hours a night.

That leaves us with somewhere between 18 and 15 hours left in our day.

During this time, we should be – yes, working – but also playing, moving, laughing, and spending it with our favorite people or even by ourselves, taking the time to be comfortable in our own skin. We should be exercising our bodies as well as our minds; doing things today that make us stronger and healthier than yesterday. Of course, we need to work to pay bills and support ourselves as well as our loved ones. The goal, however, should be to make enough money to support our lifestyle, but in a way that allows us to still enjoy our LIFE. Society today is ridden with chronic disease. Diabetes, heart disease, cancer, high cholesterol, and one that is not a disease but extremely detrimental to our health – long-term stress – can all be controlled with lifestyle decisions.

I want us to build healthier and happier lives. This blog is designed to give some helpful suggestions to bring some balance to our frenzied daily grind. To that end, at the end of every blog, I will leave an easy tip to help improve your health, your balance.

Life in Balance,

Sean M. Smith
Personal Fitness Trainer
16632 1/2 Marquez Ave.
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272

The Daily Balance:

When was the last time you hugged someone?

“Research shows that hugging can lower high blood pressure.”